Last updated on 21st June 2024

What do we mean by ‘greenwashing’?

Greenwashing is the practice of making an organisation, their products or their activities appear more sustainable - or aligned with action to address the Climate and Nature Emergency - than they actually are.

Greenwashing can include:

We have an imperative to guard against greenwashing, because practices such as those listed above serve to dilute and delay the essential and urgent action required to safeguard life on Earth. AimHi Earth and its team members are committed to avoiding greenwashing; this means that we won’t knowingly participate in greenwashing ourselves, nor will we knowingly facilitate greenwashing by the organisations we work with.

What is AimHi Earth’s role?

We provide climate and nature science training as a basis to support organisations and individuals to make positive transitions. Our content is built from the most trusted, reliable and unbiased sources available (2), and we strive to create and deliver our content such that it is engaging and empowering, without compromising on telling the full story. This requires that we share difficult truths about the scale and interconnectedness of the threats to our climate, to Nature and to people, the urgent need for genuinely transformative action, as well as what that does - and doesn’t - look like. We will never knowingly include in our training anything false or misleading.